Plant Name

Cabomba Green

Common name

Green Cabomba, Green Fanwort

Sciencetific name

Cabomba caroliniana (Green variety)


The conservation status of Cabomba caroliniana (Green variety) is not currently assessed as it is commonly cultivated for aquarium use and water gardens.


Cabomba Green, also known as Green Cabomba or Green Fanwort, is a popular aquatic plant admired for its feathery and delicate appearance. It features finely divided, bright green leaves arranged in a fan-like pattern along its stems. The plant can form dense and lush underwater vegetation, providing shelter and hiding spots for various aquatic species.


Cabomba caroliniana (Green variety) is native to North and South America, with a natural range spanning from the southeastern United States to Argentina. It thrives in freshwater habitats, including slow-moving rivers, lakes, and ponds.


As Cabomba Green is widely cultivated and propagated for aquariums and water gardens, it is not facing any significant threats in terms of conservation. However, in some regions, introduced populations of Cabomba species may become invasive and outcompete native aquatic plants.


Green Cabomba is a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts and water garden hobbyists due to its graceful appearance and ease of care. It requires moderate to bright lighting to maintain its vibrant green coloration and compact growth. Cabomba Green is a fast-growing plant, and regular pruning is necessary to control its growth and prevent it from overshadowing other plants in the aquarium. Propagation of Cabomba Green can be accomplished through stem cuttings, where new plants can be grown by planting the cut stems in the substrate.

Conservation efforts

While there are no specific conservation efforts focused solely on Cabomba Green, the responsible cultivation and management of aquatic plants, including this species, can contribute to the conservation of aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity. Please note that the information provided is based on the template and general knowledge about Cabomba caroliniana (Green variety) up to September 2021. For the most up-to-date information, it is advisable to refer to recent sources and scientific literature.